Fall Beauty Week: Ulta's 21 Days of Beauty

Happy Monday everyone and welcome to Fall Beauty Week at A Cute Angle. Come back everyday this week for features on makeup, hair, and fashion to get you ready for fall. You never know when a giveaway might pop up...

Ulta's 21 Days of Beauty campaign is going on right now and there are two weeks remaining. There is a different deal on a different product every day! Its a great time to get high end products are really amazing prices. Here's what's going on in the final two weeks:

Visit Ulta's website to learn more! I'm excited for Too Faced Shadow Insurance Primer, Urban Decay Naked Beauty Balm, Bare Minerals Six Steps to Gorgeous, and the CK One Lipstick! You can really stock up for fall with these deals! Happy shopping.

Speaking of beauty...

I got to spend all day Saturday with this beauty:

My 14-month-old niece, Demi! We hung out while her daddy and Nick had some guy time. We played, ate, had bath time, and went shopping for some fall/winter clothes! She'll be the best dressed baby around!

She's such an easy, happy baby. I really lucked out! My handsome little boy was a little jealous that his mommy was paying attention to someone else.

Scout in one of his only docile moments on Saturday.

Hope everyone had a great weekend! It's back to work for me!


  1. Goodness, your niece is just precious!!!!!

  2. I love when Ulta has their 21 days of beauty. I completely forgot it was going on now though. Also, how fun is it shopping for baby clothes? Everything is just too cute. I'm definitely in trouble once my friends start having babies!
