30 in 30

Tomorrow is the big day! I turn 30! I've been so blessed in my 30 years of life. I've had opportunities to do some great things in those 30 years - get married, get a college degree, make some awesome friends, became an aunt, go to Europe twice, conquer adversity, fall in love with dance, and many more! Althought I've done and learned some amazing things so far, there are so many things left to do in the next 30+ years! I made a list of things I'd like to accomplish in the next 30 years.

1. Write a novel.
2. Go on missions trip.
3. See Andy Murray play a tennis match.
4. Country line dance.
5. Get another dog.
6. Learn to better accept things I can't change.
7. Stay emotionally healthy.
8. Visit a country in South America.
9. Spend more time on friendships.
10. Become a better housekeeper.
11. Get a grip on my anemia.
12. Join a book club.
14. Move closer to my family.
15. Have relationships with my brothers' kids as they get older.
16. Pray everyday.
17. Drink more water.
18. Live in Europe.
19. Keep my marriage strong.
20. Build a career I am passionate about.
21. Buy a more winter weather/snow friendly vehicle.
22. Visit the Anne Frank House.
23. Learn another language.
24. Teach dance again.
25. Have fresh flowers in my house more often.
26. Do something big for women's rights.
27. Visit a country in Asia.
28. Help my husband fulfill a goal or dream.
29. Be more active.
30. Use fewer curse words.

Make sure to come back tomorrow... there may be presents!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I've been to the Anne Frank House. It is beautiful and can be very emotional. The house itself has turned into a museum and tourist attraction and has lost some of its luster.

    I'd recommend going to a concentration camp. I went to Kamp Westerbork which was a transit camp and moved prisoners from point A to point B. They have a museum with artifacts. There is a bus that can take you to the actual camp itself. There isn't much at the camp but it gives you an idea of how secluded it was and how much land was used.

  3. Great list!! Happy 30th Birthday!! Hope you have a wonderful day filled with lots of joy.

    Best, Mree

  4. Great list!! Happy 30th Birthday!! Hope you have a wonderful day filled with lots of joy.

    Best, Mree

  5. Happy Birthday tomorrow! This is a great list. I always see the 30 before 30 lists and always think I'm to close to 30 to start one of those! This is a much better idea :)

  6. Happy birthday! This sounds like a great list, especially all of the travel items. :)

  7. Happy birthday! Hope your big 3-0 day is fabulous :)

  8. happy birthday pretty girl!
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  9. What an awesome list!! Happy 30th birthday :D
