Friday Five 11.7.14

Lot's of stuff this week. Let's wrap it up in the Friday Five.

//1//  Thirteen years after the Sept. 11 attacks, the first tenants (200 employees of the publishing company Conde Nast) moved their belongings into One World Trade Center (Freedom Tower). What a great day for New York, Lower Manhattan, and the USA!

My snap of the Freedom Tower from November '13.
//2// Guess who is becoming an aunt again today?! This girl! My brother and his wife will be welcoming their second daughter - Ella Jaye Angle - today via a planned C section. Can't wait until she's here!  
Emma is going to be a big sister and will no longer be an only child!
//3// This time next week I'll be in Miami and boarding a cruise ship headed to the Bahamas! Please and thank you.

//4// The local radio stations are already playing Christmas music non stop. I really can't stand it. Nick and I have this rule - or more of a law - that nothing Christmas related happens until Thanksgiving is over. It helps us to not get ahead of ourselves and enjoy one holiday at a time. What do you do in your household?

//5// Can I get an Amen?

Have a great weekend!


  1. Congrats on being an Auntie again. So fantastic!! Emma is too cute.

  2. LOVE that about the World Trade Center!

    ITA about keeping the holidays separate! I LOVE Christmas and I love Thanksgiving too! But I think what makes them more special and memorable is to give them both their own season! I love the anticipation of waiting until the day after Thanksgiving to put up the tree and decorate and listen to Christmas music!

  3. Congrats on being an aunt again! That is so exciting! I can't wait for you to go on your cruise so that I can read all about it! :) Haha.

  4. Yay cruise- have a blast! I'm so with you on the no Christmas until after Thanksgiving thing... I saw Christmas stuff up in stores before Halloween was even over this year and I wanted to scream. haha.


    1. Can't wait for my cruise! I like to do one thing at a time.

  5. Congrats on becoming an auntie again!!

  6. Amen for sure! Congrats on your new niece- how exciting! And I am with you with the holiday tunes- leave it for after Thanksgiving, please!! Everyone always wants to rush right into Christmas- it's so annoying!

  7. Congratulations on becoming an aunt again! That's so wonderful! And YES on Thanksgiving. It's my favorite holiday...I hate when it's overlooked!

  8. I actually know someone who is going to be working in that Conde Nast building! Congrats on being and aunt and enjoy that cruise!! A vacation always sounds great to me.

  9. My family and I have the same rule about Thanksgiving! I hate that everything is so rushed now! All the radio stations and stores are stocking Christmas items before Halloween has even started! Makes it harder to appreciate each holiday. COngrats on becoming an aunt again!

  10. Congratulations on your second niece (or nephew?)! Very exciting! And oh man, that cruise sounds fabulous. I love cruises :))
    Hope you have a nice weekend!

  11. How fun that you are going on a cruise!! I would love to be on a beach somewhere haha!

  12. I put the Christmas tree up, because we always have Thanksgiving at our house, but not Christmas. I want everyone to see our tree, but still celebrate Thanksgiving. We add to our Christmas tree on Thanksgiving. Every plate has paper that matches our tree, and everyone has to write one thing they are thankful for and hang it on the tree. I love looking at it all holiday season.

    1. I really like that idea of hanging what your thankful for on the tree! That's really neat!

  13. Congrats on becoming an aunt again; what a gorgeous name! And I'm so jealous that you're getting ready to leave for your cruise! I know you guys will have a great time!
