Monday Madness 3.30.15

I've been eating Swiss rolls and chocolate milk for days. Someone save me from myself.


Last Monday Madness Link Up for March! I'm really excited for April. It makes me more hopeful for Spring weather. It snowed here on Thursday and yesterday and I'm not ruling out more snow. That's just how we roll in Michigan until like July.

I took the entire weekend off from work in order to study for finals. I've never been more excited for a finals week! It officially marks the half way point. After this week I have a week off, eight more weeks of classroom instruction, and then I move on to my four week externship. During my externship I'll take my certification test and be ready to work at the beginning of July! The end is in sight!

With finals week and spring break coming up, I made a trip to the library. I haven't been to the library in months and months! With school, there's not much time for reaing for pleasure. I really miss reading for fun and plan to do some over the break. I picked up Swept Off Her Feet by Hester Browne, All We Ever Wanted Was Everything by Janelle Brown, and The Memory Keeper's Daughter by Kim Edwards.

Hope everyone has a super week!

Women's History Month: Women in the Workplace

1903 - The National Women's Union League (WTUL) is established to advocate for improved wages and working conditions for women.

1920 - The Women's Bureau of Department and Labor is formed to collect information about women in the workforce and safeguard good work conditions for women.

1961 - President John Kennedy establishes the President's Commission of the Status of Women and appointed Eleanor Roosevelt as chairwoman. The report issued by the Commission in the 1963 documents substantial discrimination against women in the workplace and makes specific recommendations for improvement, including fair hiring practices, paid maternity leave, and affordable child care.

1963 - Betty Friedan publishes her highly influential book The Feminine Mystique, which describes the dissatisfaction felt by middle class American housewives with the narrow role imposed on them by society. The book becomes a best seller and galvanizes the modern women's right movement.

June 10 - Congress passes the Equal Pay Act, making it illegal for employers to pay a woman less than what a man would receive for the same job.

1964 - Title VII of the Civil Rights Act bars discrimination in employment on the basis of race and sex. At the same time it establishes the Equal Employment Commission (EEOC) to investigate complaints and impose penalties.

1966 - The National Organization for Women (NOW) is founded by a group of feminists including Betty Friedan. The largest women's right group in the U.S., NOW seeks to end sexual discrimination, especially in the workplace, by means of legislative lobbying, litigation, and public demonstrations.

1967 - Executive Order 11375 expands President Lyndon Johnson's affirmative action policy of 1965 to cover discrimination based on gender. As a result, federal agencies and contractors must take active measures to ensure women as well as minorities enjoy the same education and employment opportunities as white males.

1968 - The EEOC rules that sex segregated help wants ads in newspapers are illegal. This ruling is upheld in 1973 by the Supreme Court, opening the way for women to apply to higher paying jobs that had only been available to men.

1970 - In Schultz v. Wheaton Class Co., a U.S. Court of Appeals rules that jobs held by men and women need to be "substantially equal," but not "identical" to fall under the protection of the Equal Pay Act. An employer cannot, for example, change the job titles of women workers in order to pay them less than men.

1974 - In Corning Glass Works v. Bennan, the U.S. Supreme Court rules that employers cannot justify paying women lower wages because that is what they traditionally received under the "going market rate." A wage differential occurring "simply because men would not work at low rates paid women" is unacceptable.

1978 - The Pregnancy Discrimination Act bans employment discrimination against pregnant women. Under the Act, a woman cannot be fired or denied a job or a promotion because she is or may become pregnant, nor can she be forced to take a pregnancy leave if she is willing and able to work.

1986 - Meritor Savings Bank v. Vinson: The Supreme Court finds that sexual harassment is a form of illegal job discrimination.

1999 - The Supreme Court rules in Kolstad v. American Dental Association that a woman can sue for punitive damages for sex discrimination if the anti-discrimination law was violated with malice or indifference to the law, even if that conduct was not especially severe.

2003 - In Nevada Department of Human Resources v. Hibbs, the Supreme Court rules that states can be sued in federal court for violations of the Family Leave Medical Act.

2005 - In Jackson v. Birmingham Board of Education, the Supreme Court rules that Title IX, which prohibits discrimination based on sex. also inherently prohibits disciplining someone for complaining about sex based discrimination. It further holds that is the case even when the person complaining is not among those being discriminate against.

2009 - President Barack Obama signed the Lily Ledbetter Fair Pay Restoration Act, which allows victim of discrimination to file a complaint with the government again their employers within 180 days of their last paycheck. Previously, victims (most often women) were only allowed 180 days from the date of the first unfair paycheck. This Act is named after a former employee of Goodyear who alleged that she was paid 15 to 40% less than her male counterparts, which was later found to be accurate.

Monday Madness 3.23.13

Another Monday and another weekend spent at work. That means I don't have a weekend update, but let's talk about a few other things instead...

A Cute Angle is on Pinterest, finally! I'm always looking for new people to follow so some follow me and I'll be sure to add you back! Here's my link:

Has anyone The Royals on E!? It's a gem of a new show.

Here's the scoop: Drama about a fictional British Royal family set in modern day London, who inhabit a world of opulence and regal tradition that caters to any and every desire, but one that also comes with a price tag of duty, destiny and intense public scrutiny.

I've only seen the first episode so far and it's already really juicy! The mysterious death of Prince Robert makes Prince Liam the next in line for the throne, The King wants to disband the monarchy, Prince Liam starts dating American Ophelia who happens to be the daughter of the family's head of security, Train Wreck Princess Eleanor is being blackmailed by a member of her security detail (and - shock- he turns out to be American, not British!), the creepy brother of the king takes advantage of young women of the staff, and Queen Helena is quite the peach.  All of this in the first episode! I have the 2nd on my DVR waiting for me. You can also watch full episodes at

As for school - this is my last week of Phase I before finals week. I'm off work this weekend in order to have enough time to study for finals. I have the week off after finals (April 6 - April 10). Can't wait and can't believe my program is half over!

Nick and I were able to go out for dinner after I was done working on Saturday. Since starting school and with working I've had to be more deliberate about sending time with my husband. Otherwise, I feel like we don't get enough quality time.

Anyway, I hope everyone has a great week! Don't forget to link up below.

Women's History Month: Women's Health Issues in the US

These are the facts as they have happened. I am neither advocating nor criticizing the following policies.

The modern day women's health debate really begins in the 1960s and 70s, during the Women's Liberation Movement. During these decades the advent of birth control, the fight over the Equal Rights Amendment and Title XI, and the legalization of abortion gave women empowerment that they had never known before.

1916 – Margaret Sanger opens the first U.S. birth control clinic in Brooklyn, New York. Although the clinic is shut down ten days later and Sanger is arrested, she eventually wins support through the courts and opens another clinic in New York City in 1923.
1921 – Margaret Sanger founds the America Birth Control League, which evolves in the Planned Parenthood Federation of America in 1942.

1936 – The federal law prohibiting the dissemination of contraceptive information through the mail is modified and birth control information is no longer classified as obscene. Throughout the 1940s and 50s, birth control advocates are engaged in numerous legal suits.

1960 – The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approves birth control pills.

1965 – In Griswold v. Connecticut, the Supreme Court strikes down the one remaining state law prohibiting the use of contraceptives by married couples.

1972 – In Eisenstadt v. Baird the Supreme Court rules that the right to privacy includes an unmarried person’s right to use contraceptives.

1973 – As a result of Roe v. Wade, the Supreme Court establishes a woman’s right to safe and legal abortion, overriding the anti-abortion laws of many states.

1992 – In Planned Parenthood v. Casey, the Supreme Court reaffirms the validity of woman’s right to abortion under Roe v. Wade. The case successfully challenges Pennsylvania’s 1989 Abortion Control Act, which sought to reinstate the restrictions previously ruled unconstitutional.

2000 - The Equal Employment Opportunity Commision ruled that companies that provided insurance for prescription drugs to their employees but excluded birth control were violating the Civil Rights Act of 1964.
2006 – The Supreme Court up hold the ban on the “partial birth” abortion procedure. The ruling, 5-4, which upholds the Partial Birth Abortion Ban Act, a federal law passed in 2003, is the first to ban a specific type of abortion procedure. Writing the majority opinion, Justice Anthony Kennedy said, “The act expresses respect for the dignity of human life.” Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, who dissents, called the decision “alarming” and said it was “so at odds with our jurisprudence” that it “should not have staying power.” 

2010 - President Obama signed the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA) on March 23. As of August 1, 2011, contraception was added to a list of preventive services covered by the ACA that would be provided without a patient co-payment. The federal mandate applies to new health insurance plans in all state from August 1, 2012. The Gutmaccher Institute noted that even before the federal mandate was implemented, 28 states has their own mandates the required health insurance to cover the prescription contraceptives, but the federal mandate innovated by forbidding insurance companies from charging part of the cost to the patient.

Monday Madness 3.16.15

Another Monday. Yay (!) (?) I always get excited for Mondays. I enjoy being in school more than working. Not that I don't enjoy my part time job at David's Bridal, but it gets exhausting work 8-9 hour shifts on Saturdays and Sundays.

Friday, my only day off, started by heading to the doctor to get my annual physical. I headed home and made myself an awesome breakfast, started some laundry, and climbed back into bed with my little guy! I've also been trying to catch up on Scandal!



Nick and I headed to Lansing on Friday night to catch the Michigan State v. Michigan hockey game. I had gotten Nick these tickets for Christmas. We were rooting for MSU (of course), but they lost 3-5. Bummer, but still a fun night out filled with hot dogs, popcorn, and delicious coated pecans!

As far as school goes, I have a test on ENT and Neuro today and then we move on to the gastrointestinal system. I have three more weeks until Phase I is done! I'm really excited to see the end of this phase, have a week off, and come back and jump in to more hands on skills! My sister gave me a gift card for a massage and I will be making my appointment and taking advantage of that during my week off! Can't wait!

 Someone clearly wanted my attention...

So Chris picked Whitney! They make a very cute couple and I hope it lasts. Now on to what everyone is really talking about...

Two bachelorettes?! This is actually not a new concept for The Bachelor franchise. They did this eons ago with two bachelors - Byron Velvick and another guy named Jay. So, I'm really not into either of these girls. We all know I was #TeamCarly. Kaitlyn is a fun girl and may be fun to watch, but I gotta be honest about Britt. I don't like the B. I think she's phony baloney. I don't think I can stand to watch her for an entire season. She's in for the fame. So, here's hoping that the guys choose Kaitlyn on night one.... ?

Still love her and hope she finds love out in the real world!

So, I'm thinking about going blonde again. When I'm blonde I always want to be darker, but then when I do it, I always want to be blonde. What do you guys think?

I was actually able to finish Necessary Lies by Diane Chamberlain this weekend! Such a good book! I highly recommend it!

Don't forget to link up below! Have a great week!

Women's History Month: Women's Suffrage

Women's Suffrage in the United States of America

1848 – The first women’s rights convention is held in Seneca Falls, New York.  After two days of discussion and debate, 68 women and 32 men sign a Declaration of Sentiments, which outlines grievances and sets the agenda for the women’s rights movement. A set of 12 resolutions is adopted, calling for equal treatment of women and men under the law and voting rights for women.
1850 – The first National Women’s Rights Convention takes place in Worcester, Massachusetts, attracting more than 1,000 participants. National conventions are held yearly (expect 1857) through 1860.

1865 -   May: Susan B. Anthony and Elizabeth Cady Stanton form the National Woman Suffrage Association. The primary goal of the organization is to achieve voting rights for women by means of a congressional amendment to the constitution.

November: Lucy Stone, Henry Blackwell, and others form the American Woman Suffrage Association. This group focuses exclusively on gaining voting rights for women through amendments to individual state constitutions.

December 10: The territory of Wyoming passes the first women’s suffrage law. The following year, women begin serving on juries in the territory.

1890 – The National Woman Suffrage Association and the American Women Suffrage Association merge to form the National American Woman Suffrage Association (NAWSA). As the movement’s mainstream organization, NAWSA wages state by state campaigns to obtain voting rights for women.
1893 – Colorado is the first state to adopt the amendment granting women the right to vote. Utah and Idaho follow suit in 1896; Washington state is 1910, California in 1911, Oregon, Kansas, and Arizona in 1912; Alaska and Illinois in 1913, Montana and Nevada in 1914, New York in 1917; Michigan, South Dakota, and Oklahoma in 1918.

1913 – Alice Paul and Lucy Burns form the Congressional Union work toward the passage of a federal amendment to give women the vote. The group is later renamed the National Women’s Party. Members picket the White House and practice other forms of civil disobedience.

1919 – The Federal Woman Suffrage Amendment, originally written by Susan B. Anthony and introduced in Congress in 1878, is passed by the House of Representatives and the Senate. It is then sent to the states for ratification.

August 26, 1920 – The 19th Amendment to the Constitution, granting women the right to vote, is signed into law  by Secretary of State Bainbridge Colby.

 Women's Suffrage Around the World
Azerbaijan - In 1918 Azerbaijan was the first ever Muslim country to enfranchise women.

Bahrain - Women were given the right to vote in 2002.

Brunei - The country of Brunei granted women the right to vote in 1959, but only in local elections. That stands today.

Lebanon - Women were granted the voting right in 1952. However, proof of an elementary education is required for women, but not for men. Voting for men in this country is compulsory where it is optional for women.
Sierra Leone - Sierra Leone became a country in 1961 and women were immediately granted the vote. In the 1790s, while it was still a colony, women voted in elections.

Kuwait - Women's suffrage was granted in 1985, but later removed. It was reinstated in 2005.

South Africa - Only white women were given the vote in 1930. Women of other colors had to wait until 1994 for their rights.
Israel - Suffrage was granted to women with Israel's declaration of independence in 1948.

Saudi Arabia - Saudi women still do not have the right to vote. Women were denied the right to vote or run for elections in 2005. Suffrage was slated to possibly be granted in 2009 and then was set for 2011. Suffrage was not granted either time. In late September 2011, King Abdul bin Abdulaziz al-Saud declared that women would be able to vote and run for office starting in 2015.

Beauty A-Z: I - Inspirational Icons

Today we are celebrating classic style icons for A-Z Beauty with Lindsay. We can learn a lot from the ladies who came before us!

Who are your beauty icons?

Women's History Month: My Secret Life as a Feminist

March is Women's History Month! Once a week during March my blog with be dedicated to women in history and how far we have come in the last century.

Today, I want to start by sharing a little secret... I'm a feminist. I'm sure those close to me have guessed, but it's not something I speak openly about because I come from a somewhat conservative family and definitely married into one. I attribute being a feminist to being raised by a single dad. I had more than enough love, but I was never coddled or handled with “kid gloves.” My dad always taught me that I should learn to take care of myself (be emotionally and financially independent) and I was expected to excel in everything I did in life. It was made clear to me that I was not inferior because of my gender. My dad would always, always tell me I could do anything my male counterpart could, and I should grow up to be strong and independent. My dad also reminded me of the importance of being a lady and caring for others, but under no circumstances was I to ever believe I could do less or deserved less because I was a female. Really, all my feminist ideals comes from my dad. Weird, huh? I think it's awesome he raised his girls to be strong women... and my sister and I are!

There are some common myths about feminism that I would like to debunk, but before I do I would like to remind everyone this these are my opinions only. Other women may have other ideas of what feminism is to them. This is what is means to me.

1. All feminists are bra burners and man haters. First, I think not wearing a bra is disgusting (that was supposed to be funny). However, I like that we have the choice to wear one or not. If I ever meet you in “real life,” have no fear, I will have a bra on. Second, feminism isn't about bringing down men, it's about bringing up women. It's about demanding and working towards women having equal social, political, economic, and religious rights as men. It's about coming together and supporting others in your gender. It's about striving not to judge other women or judge ourselves against other women, bring others down with gossip and pettiness, or let men dictate how we treat each other. Did you know that men can be feminists too?

2. Marriage and having a family don't fit into feminist ideals.
Let's start with marriage. I've known that I have wanted to be a wife since I was eight years old. I've always been excited about the idea of sharing my life with someone. I have now been married for six years. Nick was well aware of several things before we even got engaged, those being (1) my opinions will never be second fiddle to yours (2) I will work and will never be a kept woman, and (3) don't expect cooking and cleaning because I suck at both (and I'll be working the same amount of hours you do each week). I think it takes a man who is really strong in himself to accept terms like that. I could never been with a man who expected to me to be a domestic goddess. It's just not who I am. I feel that Nick and I have a very healthy marriage. When making decisions both our views and opinions are taken into consideration, he does his own wash, and we figure dinner out together.

Me on my wedding day - March 1, 2008

However, I still love to serve my husband. It's probably because I want to and I'm not expected to. Loving my husband will be the greatest job I'll ever have in my life. It's my greatest job because I know his greatest job is loving me. I get tons of satisfaction out of being a wife and serving my husband. Have you ever heard the saying, “Behind every great man is a great woman”? I hate that! For Nick and me it's more like, "Beside every great man is a great woman,” and I am so strong in that conviction. I'm not behind or in front of my husband, I am right next to him. I also love the fact that I work and if Nick were to lose his job we'd still have something coming in and I could keep us afloat for a bit. We support each other – side by side.

Happily Ever After

 Now on to the topic of children. I don't want children and I do not plan on having children, and it's not because of any of my values. It's because I don't feel God has put that on my heart. Nothing in my being desires to be or feels like I should be a mother. From a feminist point of view, I think having kids is awesome! That's one thing we can do that no other gender can! Plus, there are now plenty of working mothers who are able to keep their independence outside of the home. 

Me with my nieces and nephew. They light up a big part of my life.

3. All feminists are liberals. Wow, this has been a risky post today! I don't really like to bring up politics on my blog because it tends to get people really fired up, but here goes... I don't feel connected to a political party. I'm socially liberal and economically or financially conservative. There are few things I know for sure about myself (1) I really straddle the line (2) the issue at hand really dictates where I fall (3) I'm a God loving girl (4) I don't believe that the government should tell a women OR a man what she or he can or cannot do with her or his body, (5) I support the right women in high positions of business, military, and government, and I support female pastors, (6) a man should get down on his knee and propose, and (7) I fully believe in and support the notion that women can do whatever men can and deserve the opportunity to prove it.  

I hope you'll stick around this week for some less opinionated posts that really share the history of women's rights. Come back to learn more about some pretty cool ladies who got us to where we are today.

Monday Madness 3.2.15

First, I want to apologize for the epic fail that wasn't the Monday Madness Link Up last week, but we're back in business today! There are no rules. Link up any post and make new friends!

Nick and I celebrated our 7th wedding anniversary yesterday! He is such an amazing man. In our vows, we promised to share in each other's dreams and that's what he's so selflessly doing for me now by supporting my decision to go back to school. I really couldn't do it with out him! We had a nice dinner out on Friday night since I had to work this weekend. However, on our actually anniversary Nick presented me with a really beautiful bracelet that has our wedding date engraved on it!

I finally feel I am getting into a rhythm with school. There is always so much to do. I have multiple tests and projects each week so it involves a lot of time! I was able to change my work schedule and I'm only working on Thursday nights, Saturdays, and Sundays. It's made my life so much easier!

I'm really looking forward to some things coming up on the blog. I'm working to get some posts up for Women's History Month and looking forward to joining Lindsay from Bourbon, Lipstick, and Stilettos for her A-Z Beauty series.

Somehow I've been able to stay up-to-date on The Bachelor. Who's excited for the Women Tell All tonight? We're down to Becca and Whitney. Who do you think Chris will pick and do you think it will last?